Social Media Agency Analyzes Live Video Marketing Trends

Social Media Agency Analyzes Live Video Marketing Trends

Social Media Agency Analyzes Live Video Marketing Trends 2119 1415 Kraus Marketing

Live video is expected to be the next biggest social media hit in 2017. This should not come as too much of a surprise as Facebook has been pushing the feature on its platform for months. In fact, they recently revealed that they will be offering advertisers the opportunity to display their ads in a mid-roll format.

The biggest draw to live video is the ability for brands to engage in a raw, unedited, authentic manner. Besides Facebook, marketers are able to share live video on Periscope, Instagram, and Snapchat. Video in general is expected to grow tremendously through 2020. However, Forrester Research found that live video garners three times higher engagement rates than prerecorded video.

In 2017, it is expected that a high volume of social media content will be short video clips summarizing bigger television events. Videos that are shared on social media will also become highly produced by teams dedicated to filming and editing content.

Now that you understand the relevance of live video and video in general, let’s discuss some tips for PR and marketing professionals. It is time that PR specialists and marketers work hand in hand to develop and strategize content for clients. Video can be utilized when sharing company news and press opportunities.

To receive an SEO benefit from videos, it is recommended that you complement the video with a blog post. Sometimes, a blog post is easier to read than watching a longer video. Other times, a shorter video explains a blog post in a more efficient manner.

Are you curious about the changing world of social media and search engine optimization? Kraus Marketing specializes in digital marketingSEO, and social media. We help companies in the tristate area create and implement successful digital marketing campaigns. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

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