High-Converting Landing Pages Can Help Drive E-commerce Sales

High-Converting Landing Pages Can Help Drive E-commerce Sales

High-Converting Landing Pages Can Help Drive E-commerce Sales 1280 853 Kraus Marketing

Tips on Creating a High-Converting Landing Page

We already know that first impressions make a world of difference. This is especially true when you’re selling something, because a mediocre first impression can easily mean the loss of a prospective customer. If you’re running an e-commerce store, your website or landing page is your first impression—and you must get it right to convert.

High-converting landing pages can help you drive your e-commerce sales, but you have to build yours right for visitors to want to delve deeper. This means that you have to succeed at everything from the loading speed to the first image and line of copy they see. If you can give them what they want—a product or service that fulfills their need, a pleasant browsing experience, and trust in your brand—then they will be much more likely to convert.

So, what are some things that a high-converting landing page should have? Let’s break down the absolute must-haves:

A Strong Hero

No, you don’t need Superman to fly across your landing page on entry, but you do need a rich image or video that is large and in charge. The hero is the banner that is the very first piece of media that visitors will see on your website and should therefore be chosen very carefully for the purpose of maintaining a certain first impression. Be sure to have supporting imagery below that matches well with the tone set by this hero.

hero image kraus marketing


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A Call-to-Action

The link to a conversion, your call-to-action (CTA), is what users know to interact with for a simple shopping experience. For ecommerce, this is often a button that will take users to a sale page, to browse items, to sign up for something like a newsletter, or anything else that is driving prospects towards sales. Note that, no matter which location you’re driving towards, you should display your CTA clearly for a well-defined avenue to conversion.


call to action kraus marketing


A Declared Value

With your big headers and subheads, be sure to very clearly and interestingly state what sort of value you are offering with your products or services. Most great landing pages feature the hero image with a header and short description that defines a value that can be attained by clicking on the CTA button just below the copy.


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Benefit-oriented Descriptions

Describe and explain your products and services, as well as your company, with the benefits to the user in mind. Don’t just tell them what your product does or what your company is about, tell them what benefits they stand to gain from a purchasing relationship with your company.


service description kraus marketing


Social Proof

A great way to build initial credibility and trust in your company is to offer social proof in the form of client testimonials, certified partner logos, relevant social media posts from influencers, and more. Keep these proof points visual, with videos of testimonials or images at the least paired with written copy. Showing your prospective customers that others have trusted you and been rewarded for it is important to converting new buyers.


testimonials- social proof kraus marketing


If you’re building a landing page, you should have those five things to make it high converting. Some other things to consider when building your page:

  • Use large, high-quality images
  • Use videos if they are short and get the right point across—videos help retain visitors and increase trust
  • Keep things simple and clean—don’t clutter your landing page with unnecessary information
  • Don’t force visitors onto other pages to get things like explanations of benefits–keep it all on page!
  • Play on the theory of loss aversion—the pain of losing something is more intense than receiving something, so be smart about the way in which you are showing how missing out on your product or service will feel.
  • Don’t forget the pleasure—what are you really selling, how will it relieve some sort of pain, and how will it improve the consumer’s life?
  • Use brand-appropriate color—make it vibrant and enticing, with contrasting colors for important components, like your CTA button, to help them stand out.
  • Check the analytics of your page after it has launched and try out A/B testing to get the best feel for what works for your landing page.

Keep these tips in mind when building a landing page and you should find greater success in driving conversions and boosting your e-commerce sales. If you’re unsure about how to keep improving, take a step back and look at your page from a consumer’s perspective—would it convert you? Are the load speeds fast? Is the copy engaging? Is the layout simple and appealing? Are the benefits clear? Can you trust yourself? If you can answer yes to all of these questions, you’re on the right track.

Need help building a high-converting landing page, or a gorgeous website as a whole? Kraus Marketing’s experienced team of designers, copywriters, and digital specialists can help create your stunning website, run marketing campaigns, assist with branding and more. Contact us today to learn more.

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