Strategic Social Media Strategies for Nonprofits

Strategic Social Media Strategies for Nonprofits

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Nonprofits Need Social Media Strategies Just Like Any Other Business

Social media has become an essential aspect of a brand’s digital marketing strategy—and nonprofits are no different. There are several social media strategies, tricks, and tools that nonprofits can use to increase their brand awareness, reach new audiences, and spread their mission.

Here are five social media strategies nonprofits should be implementing into their marketing to help them reach success.

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5 Social Media Strategies for Nonprofits

Promote Awareness of Your Mission

As a nonprofit, one of the most critical aspects of your organization is your mission statement. Sharing your mission on social media is an excellent way to garner support from like-minded individuals, increase brand awareness, and reach potential donors.

Share Your Impact

People these days value action over words. While you can have the most strategic social media captions crafted, people want to see your nonprofit’s actual impact on the community. By sharing your achievements, your donors can see the impact that they have made and will be encouraged to continue supporting your organization.

Post Engaging Content

Another successful social media strategy is to post engaging content. No one wants to scroll through heavily advertised social posts; instead, they want to engage in interesting, thought-provoking, and inspiring posts. Consider sharing articles, educational infographics, and event information to get your followers to engage with your organization.

Utilize Fundraising Opportunities

Social media has come a long way since it first launched almost a decade ago. Now, verified nonprofits can utilize fundraiser tools to collect donations for their missions. This can be done on Facebook, through Facebook Live Donate buttons placed on each post or fundraisers that live permanently on profiles. Instagram has a similar feature that supports fundraisers run by nonprofits. Instagram has also created donation stickers for stories that allow people to share the donation with their followers.

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Plan Ahead

To ensure that nonprofits are continuously benefiting from social media, they should create a content calendar. This calendar can be a simple layout of all the posts going live throughout the month, week, or even day. A helpful suggestion is to create content a month or two before the posts are to be published so you have ample time to anticipate any unexpected events and plan accordingly.

How Kraus Marketing Can Help

If your nonprofit is in need of developing a successful social media strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Digital Strategists at Kraus Marketing. We can create a social campaign tailored specifically to the needs of your nonprofit. Contact us today to get started.

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