Social Media Marketing Agency Discusses Downfall of Twitter for Mac App

Social Media Marketing Agency Discusses Downfall of Twitter for Mac App

Social Media Marketing Agency Discusses Downfall of Twitter for Mac App 850 350 Kraus Marketing

RIP Twitter App for Mac

Whether you use Twitter for personal or business reasons, you may be shocked to learn about its latest update. Twitter announced mid-February that it took Twitter for Mac off of the Mac store and that in thirty days the app would “no longer be supported”. What does this mean for the world of social media marketing? Read on to find out.


Without Twitter for Mac, users will now have to go directly to Twitter’s website. While this may not seem like a big deal, it will certainly pose as an inconvenience to consumers going to view your content. Sure, the app had very low ratings, but it still existed. And if it existed, people still went.

To make up for the inconvenience, be sure your Twitter content is worthy of that extra step. Keep making Twitter content a priority for your Mac-using followers.

Tricks for Better Tweets

There are some tricks to getting your tweets in tiptop shape, including using polls and visuals. Twitter for Business also recommends utilizing Twitter to promote your blogs, customer case studies, and more. There is much more that goes into crafting the perfect tweet than writing within 280 characters, but there’s no need to panic. You can outsource your social media to a digital marketing agency like Kraus Marketing to help you make the most of your tweets (and posts on other social media platforms!).

Twitter Demographics

An integral part of crafting better tweets is knowing who will be reading them. According to Sprout Social, the largest age demographic on Twitter is users aged 18-29 and the smallest age group is those 65 and older. Americans using Twitter are nearly equal percentage-wise when it comes to location as far as urban, suburban, and rural areas. Knowing more information about your potential Twitter audience is a crucial part of crafting effective tweets.

Future of Third Party Twitter Apps

Twitter is not the biggest fan of third-party Twitter platforms, to the extent that it has purchased some before and then neglected them. This push to use only Twitter’s website solidifies Twitter’s true feelings for anything that isn’t theirs. If you use third-party Twitter platforms, pay close attention to how Twitter treats (or neglects) them this year, though there doesn’t seem to be high hopes for those platforms.

For help making sure you are prepared for whatever Twitter throws your way, contact Kraus Marketing to discuss your social media management options.

    Kraus Marketing