Keyword Density Myths Debunked

Keyword Density Myths Debunked

Keyword Density Myths Debunked 1280 854 Kraus Marketing

All You Need To Know About Proper Keyword Density

Just because a business thinks about SEO frequently, doesn’t mean they know how to properly put it into practice, and rightfully so. Several rules of thumb exist for these practices, and it’s challenging to absorb the guidelines if you’re not a professional in the field. For good SEO, it’s important your keyword appears often and in particular components, but unreasonably cramming your keywords within your site can sometimes harm a helpful practice. It’s sounds contradictory, but it’s how search engines operate.

So, where is the line between optimizing your word or phrase and overdoing it? To get it right, there are certain rules you need to follow. By learning these keyword density myths you’ll have a better sense on how to get started.

Myth #1: Keyword density will rank you higher.

High density keywords can damage your efforts. Google is smart enough to point out when you’re overdoing it, and if you over do it, you will suffer from a low rank. If you haven’t read our bad SEO hacks blog, then we’ll fill you in a bit: a positive search experience is a search engine’s highest priority. They have algorithms in place to suggest websites that present credible content for a search. Search engines, such as Google, look to protect users from companies merely trying to get ahead. Use your necessary word or phrase, but don’t go crazy or you’ll have to pay the hard way.

Myth #2: Quantity outweighs quality.

It’s quality over quantity, not vice versa. Focus on quality of content instead of the number of times a keyword appears. Using a relevant word determines when your site shows up for the pertinent audience. Once you attract them to your site through the use of your word, the quality of your content should capture their attention to keep them engaged and invested.

Another way to embody quality over quantity is to have integrity. No one wants a business with an obvious agenda to get ahead in the rankings. If you overuse a word or phrase it prevents interest. Increase your rank to attract the right consumers, but then adequately intrigue them through content by telling them what you can offer them.

Myth #3: Overstuffing won’t make you look like you’re trying to hard.

This goes back to the quality versus quantity myth. There’s nothing natural about overusing a word or phrase in copy. It sounds wrong and gives you a big strike on credibility. Web searchers and search engines are not dumb, they notice when you’re only trying to bump your rank. They’re coming to your site to look for factual information. They have a need you could fulfill and you’re certainly not selling your business if you’re overdoing it. Besides, what’s to gain if you rank high but don’t have any actual insight on the topic? Searchers will hit the back button regardless of your rank.

Myth #4: Short tail words are better than long tail.

Neither option is better than the other. The whole idea of SEO is that your selected term is relevant to your content to help Google categorize your site. Without the help of these words, Google can’t detect what your website is about and where to place or rank you. Simply put, the chosen word or phrase influences the system on your placement and relevance to topics. Typically, websites utilize short tailed terms unless providing very specific information. Generally, users search short tail words more often, but that doesn’t make them superior. If you are able to find long tail keywords that support your services, go for them instead. Your search volume will probably be much lower, but the competition is less. Still, keep in mind that overuse of a long tail phrase will damage your ranking all the same.

Clearly, there’s somewhat of a fine line between optimizing keywords to rank high and overusing to rank low. Unfortunately, there’s no magical percentage of times these words should show up in your copy. Plus, Google is fond of changing things up, so make sure you are always in the know.

Lacking in SEO knowledge can make the process daunting and sound more intuitive than technical. Here at Kraus Marketing, we have certified SEO professionals with the tools needed to optimize any website’s SEO. Don’t stress about learning the endless details, contact our team today- we’re happy to help.

    Kraus Marketing