How Link Location Impacts SEO
If you’ve spent any amount of time in the SEO world, there’s a good chance you know a thing or two about the importance of links. If this sounds completely foreign to you, that’s alright; it’s why we’re writing this blog after all. A strong linking structure can have a tremendous impact on SEO. That’s not to say that tossing links of a page just for the sake of having them is an effective strategy. There needs to be rhyme or reason to your link building criteria. Different links in different locations are weighted differently, and this plays in integral in how well your page ranks.
Location, Location, Location
First things first, understanding where your link fits best is critical to all of this. There are numerous locations that links can be placed, including, headers, footers, content, and navigation. With so many options at your disposal, this makes choosing the right location for your link more difficult. We’re here to clear things up for you.
Content links tend to be the most effective means of linking when compared to navigation. Perhaps this shouldn’t be incredibly surprising. Having a link in the content of the page seems to carry more weight in Google’s eyes than those links located in the navigation or the header/footer. Why is this? Why does Google do anything that they do? To get more traffic. Links located in the content of the page are more likely to be found therefore leading to more traffic.
It’s also worth noting that links in foots often get devalued. For one reason or another, links in footers seem to hold no value aside from indexing purposes. You can certainly link in footers; however, your best bet is to ensure that the link also exists within the primary navigation of your page.
To sum it up content linking is more effective than navigation, and navigation is more effective than footers.
One Link to Rule Them All
Is there a tried and true method of building a mega link? Well, not really. You’re better off understanding different links strengths and weaknesses along with what you should not be doing.
You’re better off placing one strong link in a strategic location rather than link stuffing. The SEO community seems to be under the impression that Google is watching people’s every move as they browse the web. Because of this, Google seems to value used links more so than others. Links that see a higher volume of traffic and link to a well-trafficked page carry some serious weight.
Not only are higher trafficked links valued more, but it seems that the more visible a link is, the higher it is weighted. This one shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, if visitors to your site can’t find your link, it may as well be invisible to Google as well. Links with small fonts tucked away in the depths of your page are often quite simply a lost cause.
So, we know that more visible and higher-use links are the sweet spot, but now what do we do with these links. As we mentioned earlier, do not link stuff. When placing multiple links from the same page in your content, only the first anchor counts, everything else is just wasted space.
While getting a link on every page of a website may seem enticing, don’t fall into this trap. It is a bad idea that will most likely get you penalized or get your content devalued. A good way to get yourself in trouble with Google is to link spam. One thing Google does not like, is when people try to manipulate SEO through spamming keyword targeted links. Do yourself a favor, don’t get on Google’s bad side.
Are you curious about how to implement SEO or PPC strategies into your business and marketing plan? Kraus Marketing specializes in SEO and PPC campaigns, serving companies in the New Jersey and New York City area. Inquire about our services by calling (973) 998-5742 or contact us online.