What Should My Social Media Report Include?

What Should My Social Media Report Include?

What Should My Social Media Report Include? 1500 1000 Kraus Marketing

Social Media Reports: Statistics, Trends, and More

Social media platforms tend to provide users with a handful of metrics or insights; however, if you’re running several accounts or campaigns, you’ll want to build a comprehensive report. This way, all of your data is in one place, making it visually appealing with a clear, comprehensible flow. First, you’ll need to review the goals or KPIs of your social campaign to determine what will be included in the document.

Take a look at some campaign goals and what according metrics should be included in your social media report.

Increase Brand Awareness

Social media is a great place to grab the attention of potential customers. With nearly 3 billion users, you’re bound to attract the right people towards your brand. The strategy certainly plays a role, such as what type of posts appeal to most people and what days and times are best to post.

Metrics for tracking brand awareness:

  • Followers: An excellent way to measure if your brand is getting any awareness is by the number of followers your account is gaining. The higher this number is, the more people you are likely to reach organically.
  • Reach: Depending on how often you will conduct reporting—daily, weekly, or monthly—you can see how many people you are reaching and compare after each period. For brand awareness, you want your reach to be as high as possible; that way, more people see your brand’s name and logo.
  • Mentions and shares: A user doesn’t necessarily have to ‘@’ your account for it to be considered a mention. Any post that uses your brand name can be measured. What’s excellent about mentions and shares is that they will reach new people you may not have been targeting.

Drive Website Traffic

Often, brands will link their social posts to their website, landing page, or blog to create conversions.

Metrics for tracking website traffic:

  • Social media traffic: The most obvious and crucial metric here is measuring how many visitors your website is seeing directly from your social media channels.
  • Percent of overall traffic: Social media should be more than a sliver on your total traffic pie chart. Here you’ll be able to determine how well your efforts are performing against other channels you are utilizing marketing with such as organic, email, referral, etc.
  • Bounce rate: By measuring the bounce rate of the pages you’re explicitly linking to on social media, you can analyze the quality of traffic you’re getting. Ideally, your bounce rate should be around 40 to 50 percent; anything higher may suggest that your page design or content may need a makeover.
  • Social media click rate: The message and imagery of your social posts will determine if users will click on your link. Both must be engaging and intriguing to your audience.

Generate Leads and Sales

The ultimate goal for any marketing campaign is to generate quality leads and sales. Some of your social media posts may even directly link to a product or contact page. Getting a user to submit any form, such as an email newsletter sign-up, is also an excellent conversion.

Metrics for tracking new leads:

  • Participation: Social media is a great place to hold live videos or create event pages. By monitoring how many people participate, you’ll be able to determine what kind of content attracts users.
  • Social media click rate: The click rate for leads and sales should be measured the same way for website traffic.
  • Conversions from social media: Similar to monitoring website traffic, here you’ll want to pay attention to the links that are going to direct conversions. These may include contact forms, newsletter sign-ups, and product pages.

Boost Brand Engagement

Engagement is a great way to measure the success of your social media account. While getting an extensive reach is excellent, people engaging with your posts are more valuable.

Metrics for tracking brand engagement:

  • Likes, shares, and comments: When people interact with your social media posts, it will increase visibility and encourage other users to do the same. Keep track of what type of posts see more likes, shares, and comments. 
  • Mentions and replies: Similar to brand awareness, tracking mentions and replies is another form of engagement. This also includes how much you are interacting with users and responding to them.

Tips For Your Social Media Report

Here are a few tips on what you should include in your social media report:

  1. Success snapshot—A quick overview of the most impressive statistics.
  2. Data tracking—A complete breakdown of your metrics.
  3. Standout results—Include any trends that are not necessarily reflected by a number.
  4. Analysis—Sometimes, numbers aren’t enough; writing a summary can help clarify the campaign measurements.

Taking on social media campaigning and reporting can be a daunting responsibility. With experts available, such as at Kraus Marketing, you’ll be able to focus on running your business while we manage your marketing efforts and provide a clean social media report. Contact us today to learn more!

    Kraus Marketing