These are the Worst Times to Post on Instagram

These are the Worst Times to Post on Instagram

These are the Worst Times to Post on Instagram 1280 854 Kraus Marketing

What are the Worst Times to Post on Instagram?

You could be uploading the most eye-catching, impressive graphics or videos, but if you pick the wrong time to share with your followers, your hard work will not pay off. With feed algorithms constantly changing, you have a higher chance of your content flying under your audience’s radars.

Avoid mediocre or non-existent engagement by paying attention to the times your followers appear online. This will help you achieve your desired results and make every social media campaign you have more of a success. Read on to discover when the worst times to post on Instagram are.

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Capturing relevant information about customers, fans, followers, and friends enable us to create more personalized interactions. In turn, we can better understand how to provide the best possible experience for our target audience.

1) Late-Night Hours

While evening scrolling may seem like an ideal time to catch your followers’ attention, it’s one of the poorest times to deliver your messaging. During twilight hours, people are usually winding down and preparing for sleep and may not remember your post in the morning. Instead of cramming your messaging in at the sum of the day, where it won’t be seen, save them for the daytime when users are more awake, active, and excited to engage.

2) Early Morning Hours

Like late-night hours, the early morning is another suboptimal time to broadcast your Instagram posts, as people usually rush to get to work, school, or their other responsibilities. Hence, they don’t have enough time or focus to engage with your post. Instead, aim for mid-morning or early afternoon posting when users are actively browsing and interacting with their feeds.

3) Major Holidays

Holidays may seem like excellent opportunities to showcase themed campaigns, but they can have the lowest social media usage. On Holidays like New Year’s Eve, Thanksgiving, and the Fourth of July, many of us love to spend time with our family and friends and aren’t constantly checking social media. To maximize engagement during this time, you can schedule your important posts such as promotions and major sales on the days leading up to or following a major holiday, when people are more likely to be active on Instagram.

4) Weekends

On the weekend, many social media users are enjoying the real world, disconnected from their digital devices, and don’t pay attention to their feeds until Monday. Hence, your post will most likely not be seen or users may not be in the mood to engage with your content. It’s better to wait until the weekdays to launch your social media content so your followers can read and interact with it as intended.

Capturing relevant information about customers, fans, followers, and friends enable us to create more personalized interactions.

Top Social Media Marketing Agency

When utilizing posting times correctly, along with a detailed digital strategy, immaculate videos and photos, and clever captions, Instagram can become a commanding powerhouse for your company. Kraus Marketing knows how to create premium social media campaigns that skyrocket awareness, build brand value, and nurture leads. Contact us today to get started.

    Kraus Marketing