The Importance of Social Media in Healthcare Marketing

The Importance of Social Media in Healthcare Marketing

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How to Use Social Media in Healthcare Marketing

You may not initially associate the worlds of social media and healthcare, but a great opportunity sits between these two realms. Using social media in healthcare marketing can allow practices to access a host of benefits for their brand and their employees.

According to one study, 57% of patients look at a provider’s social media presence to help them determine where to get treatment. Patients are online and using social media to learn more about the services they’re seeking. Providers should be there to facilitate the process.

Here are some of the ways that social media in healthcare marketing can make a difference:

  • Educate patients: We’re all together in the fight for wellness and better health outcomes, and marketing to patients on social media shouldn’t just be about advertising. Content that educates and informs, performs well online, and you can help educate your patients through interesting infographics, videos, and more. Publishing educational content helps to boost your credibility and reputation.
  • Expand brand awareness: It’s not all about advertising, but hey, it’s important too! Being on social media—where most of your patients are—means that you can expand your audience vastly and consistently show up before them to keep your brand at the top of their feed and mind.
  • Engage with patients and colleagues in real time: Part of the magic of social media is that it’s an active social network, where brands can connect with their followers directly and answer questions, discuss new projects, and more. Set up a way for your followers to get in touch with you on social and humanize your brand. Healthcare professionals can also utilize it to collaborate with their colleagues.
  • Make the work behind health and wellness more desirable: Putting out engaging content can achieve a goal that all healthcare providers strive for, and that’s to help patients help themselves. You can make wellness fun on social media with different forms of content and campaigns that encourage patients to live healthier.
  • Support a cause: Consumers appreciate brands who champion a cause that matters, and healthcare organizations are perfectly positioned to take this kind of stance. Start or support a movement that will not only please your patients, but will also make a difference in the lives of others—which is what healthcare is all about!
  • Solicit patient testimonials: Because social media users are often asking their networks for referrals with things like healthcare, having your business ask your patients to do this and tag your page can provide this to new patients and drive them to your page. This is a great way to increase awareness of your brand while also adding to your positive reputation online.

Social media in healthcare is one side of marketing that is not always taken seriously, but it should be. The opportunities to grow your business, to improve your relationships with patients, and to stand out from the rest as a champion of healthcare are invaluable and should be an essential part of every healthcare provider’s marketing strategy.

Are you in need of help building your marketing strategy in the world of healthcare? Kraus Marketing is an experienced healthcare marketing agency that can help you utilize social media, improve SEO, build a better website, and so much more. Contact us today to get started!

    Kraus Marketing