Take Your Advertising to the Next Level with Hyper Targeting

Take Your Advertising to the Next Level with Hyper Targeting

Take Your Advertising to the Next Level with Hyper Targeting 1280 853 Kraus Marketing

Hyper Targeting in Digital Advertising Campaigns

What is Hyper Targeting?

Data is driving the world forward. It is the lifeblood of marketers, who utilize it to make their efforts more effective, more purposeful, and more successful. If you have data on your audience, you have clues as to which members of it will want to engage with you. Targeting the right people is based on knowing the right people—but how deep can you go?

Hyper targeting allows marketers to use specific data parameters to focus their efforts on the users who have been identified as being the most likely to convert. With the right amount of data, marketers can layer various information requirements to zero in on a specific group.

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Capturing relevant information about customers, fans, followers, and friends enable us to create more personalized interactions. In turn, we can better understand how to provide the best possible experience for our target audience.

An Example of Hyper Targeting

A company that sells golf clubs may specifically target users who have data that identifies them as being interested in golf. They know this because those users may have been searching for PGA Tour news online, liked golf pages on Facebook, or have purchased golf-related equipment in the past. The more ways they can segment these users out and layer their parameters, the more specific the targeting.

It’s similar to searching databases with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT). They are effectively combining different search terms to find specific collections of interested consumers (rather than search results in a database).

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Where Does This Data Come From?

To get the most comprehensive view of consumers, it’s almost certain that marketers will need to utilize third-party data. While first-party data is where they will start—with things like registration lists and profiles given by the consumers on the company’s website—third-party data providers are where the bulk of important information comes from. These providers use technology to aggregate data they pull from other original places online, paying first-party data holders for it in order to turn a profit when other companies want more data on their users.

To implement hyper targeting, you can use the avenues you’re probably already using. Facebook’s re-targeting options, Google Ad’s keywords and bidding, and Google Ad’s Display Network are all platforms that include hyper targeting options for narrowing your results.

Hyper targeting helps you target the consumers most likely to buy, cutting out extra ad spend that may be wasted on those who don’t engage with your brand and keeping your efforts focused. This saves you time, money, and effort.

Are you trying to refine your marketing campaigns and reach the consumers who are looking for you? Kraus Marketing’s integrated digital marketing solutions can take your campaigns from ideation to execution, delivered by a team of copywriters, designers, and strategic marketing experts. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

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