6 SEO Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

6 SEO Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

6 SEO Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make 1693 1133 Kraus Marketing

Follow these simple tips to make sure your page doesn’t disappear.

Buying Links

Don’t buy or sell links, ever. It does not do any good for your page, and Google won’t let you get away with it. Most of the time, the links that are purchased are from spammy and disreputable sites and social network accounts. These links could possibly work for a little, but with Google always evolving and updating, your page will eventually be found out. If Google finds you, your page could lose clicks or even have your entire website blacklisted.

Joining the Wrong Link Directories

When thinking of joining a link directory, there are a few things to consider:

Does the directory reject URLs?

What is the quality of URLs in the directory?

If there is a fee, what is the purpose of the fee?

These questions should help determine the quality of the link directory you’re looking to join. Google looks at the Internet and divides them into sections and “neighborhoods.” The goal is to get your blog into a good section by being mentioned in relation to trusted, authority sites. If you’re linked to thousands of junky sites, you would be considered in a “bad neighborhood.” Unless you know your link directory has a human review that links directly, the chances of your link directory being in a “bad neighborhood” is high.

Article Marketing

Article marketing was very popular around 2008 because you could modify your article by only a little and send it out to a variety of different pages and get all types of links back. But now Google has gotten smarter and can tell that an article with some small variations is the same article and will count it as spam. The tip here is to never try to trick Google.

Keyword Stuffing

Imagine if this entire blog post was written with keywords being repeated over and over again, you definitely would not have kept reading all the way to here. That’s called “keyword stuffing.” While Google doesn’t focus a lot on catching these articles, there is still the possibility of being penalized for it. On the other side, if Google doesn’t get it, no one would want to link to it anyway.

Unnatural Anchor Text

Anchor text is a big part of how Google works to try to rank pages. Make sure that any and all anchor text that you use is relevant to your post. If the text is the same over and over, Google will more than likely catch you and you’ll be penalized for it.

Broken Links

Double-checking to make sure your links are still active is a very important part of keeping your page relevant. Since links are constantly moving, changing and disappearing, it is important to make sure that the ones you use are still there. By making sure that all links are up to date, it allows for your site to move ahead of those that have broken, irrelevant links.


If you follow these tools and tips about SEO, you’re in the clear and don’t have to worry about Google catching up to you. If you’re manipulating the system to get the most links to your page, you might want to reconsider your SEO strategy. To avoid all the possible problems, all you have to do is make sure your links and content deserve to be on the first page.

Want to make sure your site is safe? Kraus Marketing specializes in Search Engine Optimization and Digital Marketing, and serves companies in the NJ & NYC area. Inquire about our services by calling us at (973) 998-5742 or contact us online at www.KrausMarketing.com.

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