How to Create a Successful Backlink Strategy

How to Create a Successful Backlink Strategy

How to Create a Successful Backlink Strategy 1280 960 Kraus Marketing

Create Value with a Backlink Strategy

To improve your website’s organic traffic, you must consistently utilize SEO practices—and that includes a strong backlink strategy. A backlink, also known as an inbound link, is a link originating from a website other than yours. The goal is to have a multitude of these links; however, any old link won’t do.

Backlinks should come from reputable sources that help relay to Google that your own site is trustworthy and deserves a top spot in the SERPs. In this blog, we cover three white-hat backlink strategies to consider implementing in your SEO campaign.

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Capturing relevant information about customers, fans, followers, and friends enable us to create more personalized interactions. In turn, we can better understand how to provide the best possible experience for our target audience.

3 Methods of Earning Backlinks

Reach Out to Publications, Bloggers, and Journalists

Although this method requires some time and research, it can be quite beneficial. Finding relevant, authoritative online publications or organizations that are willing to share a blog you wrote or link to your site can help garner the attention you need from Google. Publications receive a lot of inquiry emails, so it’s important to make sure yours stands out when contacting them. You must articulate that the content you are providing or hoping to share is both valuable and relevant to their audience. Asking them if they have a particular topic you could share expert advice on may help get you past the initial email.

Utilize Existing Mentions of Your Brand

Existing press releases, blogs, or callouts to your brand are an easier way to gain backlinks. You can do a quick Google Search of your company for pieces written in the past or turn on Google Alerts for future pieces that may appear. When you find, say, a press release without an existing link to your site, reach out to the outlet and see if they’ll add the link—no strings attached. If the outlet is well known, your new backlink will be of high value.

Create Engaging Infographics

Infographics are a fantastic way to earn backlinks. They are not only more visually pleasing than a blog, but they also offer your audience content in digestible bits, making it more shareable. HubSpot has even mentioned how infographics are 3x more likely to be shared on social media compared to other forms of content. The more your content is shared, the more links that are created.

Capturing relevant information about customers, fans, followers, and friends enable us to create more personalized interactions.

How Kraus Marketing Can Help You with Backlinks

Earning quality backlinks is no easy task. Although your site may have a plethora of links associated with it, the odds are that a lot of them are of poor quality. If you’re looking to implement a backlink strategy into your monthly marketing efforts, contact the team at Kraus Marketing to get started.

    Kraus Marketing