6 Common SEO Terms You Should Know

6 Common SEO Terms You Should Know

6 Common SEO Terms You Should Know 2560 2136 Kraus Marketing

6 Common SEO Terms You Should Know

If you are just now getting your foot in the door of the SEO world, chances are there’s a lot of jargon going around that may seem foreign to you. Right off the bat, you may be asking yourself “well what is SEO?”. SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it involves optimizing webpages to drive more users to a website. Understanding essential SEO terms is critical to launching an effective campaign that will produce more sales. We’re here to help you break down the six common SEO terms that you should know.

  • Ranking

How you rank is the driving force behind all SEO strategies. Ranking simply refers to a website’s position on the search engine results page (SERPs). Seems simple enough, but it couldn’t be more complex. Different search engines rank content differently based on a variety of factors. Content relevance, quality of backlinks linking to page, and keywords all have a lasting effect on ranking. Not only do different search engine value the same search term differently, but it is also important to understand what factors are relevant to your industry specifically. 

  • Algorithm

An SEO algorithm is a set of rules that determine how well your website ranks. The factors contributing to this algorithm are limitless. Google’s search algorithm utilizes hundreds of contributing factors that all come together to determine your websites SEO effectiveness. While we don’t have nearly enough time to list all the factors contributing to this, we can tell you that quality of content and links are most important in determining how well Google’s algorithm favors your webpage.

The most difficult thing about algorithms is once you begin to get a firm grasp on them, Google changes the game entirely. Google is constantly updating and changing their algorithms. SEO specialists are forced to keep up with Google’s many algorithm updates. Fall behind, for one fleeting moment, and your opportunity to rank well has gone to waste.

  • Keyword

A discussion of SEO would not be much of a discussion at all without touching on keywords. Keywords are the backbone to any SEO campaign. They are the terms that users will use to search for your content. Appropriate keywords in titles, content, URLs, and image names will all help your page rank favorably in the SERPs.

Through the repetition of relevant keywords, your content will rank well within that specific set of keywords. Internet users search for many different terms with many different keywords, and because of this, keyword research should be ongoing. It is the best way to point yourself In the right direction and can give you an indication of favorable keywords for your product, service, or brand.

  • Headline (H1)

Every webpage contains a main headline. This is often referred to as an H1. The H1 is another player in the mysterious Google algorithm game. Some may argue against the importance of a strong H1 tag but take our word for it, the importance of the all-powerful H1 should not be underestimated. The H1 tag is a veteran ranking factor and gives search engines (and its users) an indication of the contents relevance on any given webpage. A well-constructed H1 will utilize favorable keywords and direct audiences to your page.

  • Meta Description

When potential clients search for your content, they will be bombarded with an excess of different information coming from a variety of sources on the SERPs. The meta description is an excellent way to make sure your webpage is the one they click on. This refers to the text in the HTML of a webpage that describes the content of the page. It will also be how users gauge the relevance of your content as the meta description also appears under the page’s URL in the search results.

The meta description is a useful tool, but you are only given a very limited amount of words to make an impression. Be sure that your meta description is compelling, descriptive, and relevant to the content you are providing. Google has previously stated that meta descriptions do not contribute to ranking. Do not brush them under the rug. This is an invaluable resource for influencing click through rate, so use it wisely.

  • Title Tag

A title tag is yet another piece in the HTML code puzzle. It is the information that will tell search engines what the ‘name’ of your page is. Having a strong title tag is pertinent because it factors strongly into your websites ranking signal. It must also be attractive because searchers will often judge a website’s relevance based off the metadata (combination of title tag and meta description). Format, title length, keywords, and attractiveness are all factors contributing to a title tags effectiveness.

Are you curious about how to implement SEO or PPC strategies into your business and marketing plan? Kraus Marketing specializes in SEO and PPC campaigns, serving companies in the New Jersey and New York City area. Inquire about our services by calling (973) 998-5742 or contact us online.

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