Get ready for another Google update!
On September 12th, Google announced another overhaul of their features—this time, it’s more content-centric.
Google is always refreshing and revamping its tools to improve search results, and most changes go unnoticed. However, a few select times a year, Google launches significant changes to its search systems and algorithms that companies should pay attention to.
Here’s what we know about Google’s September 2022 core update and what it means for your website and its ranking.

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What Google’s September 2022 Core Update Means for You
According to the tech giant, the update will enhance how the search engine measures your site’s relevancy. Google’s artificial intelligence has been restructured with “deep learning,” which allows AI to learn from data to make sense of information online. This system has enhanced Google’s ability to grasp the content on websites and identify its relevancy. As a result, the algorithm will reward websites with high-quality content and penalize websites with low-quality content.
Google has also stated that they are looking for more than just keywords on a page, prioritizing actual meaning. This update is poised to affect search results and paid ads across mobile phones, tablets, and desktops.
To assist you in transitioning with this update, Google released queries they would advise you to consider when creating content. You can also consider having others you trust, but are unaffiliated with your site, offer an honest assessment of your SEO standing. What’s more, consider an audit of the drops you may have experienced that have gone undetected. What pages are significantly impacted and what types of searches? Closely monitor the impact of this change and see how you can adjust your marketing plan.
Capturing relevant information about customers, fans, followers, and friends enable us to create more personalized interactions.
Keep Up with The Latest Google Updates
Staying in step with each Google update can be a challenge, but Kraus Marketing can help your business handle it! Our marketing professionals keep an eye on any changes that could drastically affect your website’s standing on search engines, as well as assist with optimized content creation suitable for the latest update. Contact us today to learn more about our services.