Maintaining a Strong Client-Agency Relationship

Maintaining a Strong Client-Agency Relationship

Maintaining a Strong Client-Agency Relationship 2560 1707 Kraus Marketing

You’ve made the decision to work with a marketing agency, and as a paying client, you want to take full advantage of what they can do for your business. It may seem challenging at first, to fully express the passion and desires you have for your business to an agency that has never been a part of the inner workings you deal with every day. Just remember, it is the agency’s job to get to know as much about you as they can, and they want to hear directly what it is you are looking to gain from implementing a marketing campaign. Creating a trusting client-agency relationship with open lines of communication is crucial to achieving success.

Keep in mind that both parties are invested in what they do and that keeping a strong relationship will require continuous work on both ends. Check out the following tips that help keep things running smoothly and your business seeing the benefits.

Communication is Key

It seems like an obvious point, but without it, things will fall through. Communication keeps the client and agency working productively through deadlines, meetings, emails, and more. Plus, communication keeps things on track. Your agency will work to fully understand you and your business, however, with no feedback, they cannot revise and improve. There may be some miscommunication down the road, but that can be quickly resolved with efforts from both parties. Feel free to ask for in-person meetings or schedule phone calls if you believe email communication is not enough at times.

Finding a sweet spot of how often and how much to communicate between one another can make a difference in your partnership. Too little communication will cause a dead end and too much may overwhelm the other party or slow down production. This will differ for each new relationship and can be developed over time. 

Keep an Open Mind

As a business owner or manager, it may be terrifying to hand over marketing tactics to a new agency. They understand that completely and want to make you comfortable while pushing your boundaries at the same time. After all, you sought out the advice of professionals who do this every day and understand what techniques typically draw positive feedback from consumers. There are new technologies appearing all the time that could change the way your campaign works. It may also cause budget and time changes, but that does not mean you should panic.

It can be hard to step away from current website designs, taglines, or social platforms, but if your marketing agency makes a suggestion, take time to at least consider your options. Nothing will be done without your consent, but it never hurts to see your choices. A fresh take on your business may help attract a new target audience or recapture the attention of your existing one.

Be Honest

This one goes along with keeping open communication; however, many people on both sides of the relationship may forget how important this detail is to an effective partnership. As a client, it is your job to let the agency know when they miss the mark. Most agencies are happy to make a few rounds of revisions per project. The way revisions work and how many you will receive should be solidified in an initial contract. Allowing things to continue that you do not approve of can cost serious time and money down the road for both parties, which may end up causing tension.

Respect One Another’s Time

Time is money, and we all know it. Many aspects of a campaign rely on basic information and approval from the client, and with that, certain projects will remain halted. This could push back important deadlines and interfere with scheduling. It is helpful to sit down with your agency and create a timeline of realistic dates that can be completed with a list of action items needed from both parties.

Each industry may work at a different pace which means you must get a feel for how each party manages their time. Find a flow that works best for you and do your best to stick to it. Both the client and agency will benefit in the long run. 

Be Realistic

Your marketing agency is doing their best to help you bring in more business, attract more leads, and spread your brand to audiences far and wide. Clients must keep in mind that results won’t appear overnight and that some tactics put into place, such as SEO, can take several months to take full effect and begin showing results. The idea is to create a plan of action that will carry your business through long-term success.

If you have any questions about the pace of your campaign, feel free to reach out to your agency to go over the details.

Kraus Marketing specializes in creating elaborate campaigns to further the success of your business. We conduct in-depth interviews to fully understand your company and afterwards, our team works to form a plan that represents your goals. We serve companies in the New Jersey and New York City area. Inquire about our services by calling (973) 998-5742 or contact us online.

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