Facebook Makes Instant Articles Available to Android Users

Facebook Makes Instant Articles Available to Android Users

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Almost two months after the launch of Instant Articles for iOS, Android users will now be able to tap the lightning bolt at the top right corner of the screen.

On December 16th, Facebook announced in their blog post that Android users will now be able to read thousands of Instant Articles every day in News Feed from publishers worldwide.

What are Instant Articles?

Recognizable by the lightning bolt at the top of the article, Instant Articles are published directly to Facebook, having load times faster than a typical external link. Using Facebook’s same technology used to display photos and videos quickly on their mobile app, articles will load instantaneously, creating a better mobile experience for all- and possibly more article shares for the publishers.

Facebook’s Instant Articles were first tested on iOS in May, giving only 12.5% of iOS users access to articles from 9 publishers. In September, Facebook opened the doors to over a dozen publishers; Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan and more key publishers are choosing to use Facebook’s service for article reach. With the quick rise in Facebook shares of Instant Articles, more new publishers are signing up each day to work with this social powerhouse.

Now, the worlds Android users will be able to experience Instant Articles on Facebook. A recent test was carried out with a small group of Android users on Facebook for several weeks, and the results were compatible with those of iOS. The outcome? Users were inspired to share more Instant Articles than standard web articles.

Focusing Internationally

Although the majority of the 350 outlets are US-based, Facebook highlights many international publishers involved in their Instant Article program. The India Times, La Nacion of Argentina, Germany’s Spiegel, the Straits Times of Singapore, France’s Le Parisien and Paris Match are just a few of the international publications now involved with the program.

What’s In it for the Publishers?

Not only are the perks for the readers; the publishers are gaining some serious benefits from this changeover. A recent study revealed that Facebook was the largest driver of web traffic to news sites, with 43% of all combined traffic coming from Facebook. Facebook is currently partnered with over 350 publications worldwide, with 100 publications posting new content daily with their Instant Article program. Facebook is already used as a source for news by 63% of its users, and the rise of Instant Articles could correlate with an increase in that number as well.

Publishers who opt for Instant Articles also have the ability to sell ads in their articles and keep the revenue, or take advantage of Facebook Audience Network to maximize total revenue. These publishers are also able to earn comScore traffic credit, while having the control and freedom to publish what they want while customizing their previews to match their brand identity.

Future of Instant Articles

With the introduction of this new program to Android users, Facebook will be granting Instant Articles access to over 175 million of its mobile users. This new introduction is a strong opportunity for Facebook to increase the amount of time spent on the app, while monetizing its publishing partners’ content.

To learn more about Facebook advertising or any other digital marketing services that Kraus Marketing offers, contact us today at www.KrausMarketing.com or call us to set up an consultation. We can be reached at (973) 998-5742.






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