A Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization

A Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization

A Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization 1280 960 Kraus Marketing

4 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips to Follow

Conversion rates are one of the many ways marketers try to benefit from their website traffic.
These traffic efforts are made with the intention of converting visitors into qualified leads and potential sales. So how exactly do you go about a conversion rate optimization strategy? Let’s take a closer look.

What is a Conversion Rate?

A conversion rate is the percentage of users that have interacted with your website. Conversion rate is calculated through the amount of actions that are carried out on your website. This could be through completing a web form, signing up for emails, or purchasing a product. Conversion rates are typically calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of visitors, and then multiplying that number by 100.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of upgrading your website’s content in the hopes of boosting conversion rates. When a website has a high conversion rate, that means the website is designed effectively, formatted correctly, and appealing to your target audience.

Why Conversion Rate Optimization is Beneficial for Your Business

Optimizing your conversion can be very beneficial for your business because it allows you to boost qualified leads, increase your ROI, lower acquisition costs, and grow your site. Conversions can take place on multiple pages of your website, such as homepage, landing pages, blog page, etc. It is in your business’ best interest to have your website designed in a way that converts as many visitors into customers as possible. In order for this to take place, you must optimize each page to allow for conversion to occur.

Conversion Rate Optimization Tips to Follow

When trying to raise your conversion rates, it is important to not neglect all the other aspects of your marketing strategy. You should be continuously assessing website analytics, search engine advertising efforts, and your social media strategy. After all, having a strong CRO will only come when intertwined with the rest of your marketing strategy. Here are some tips to consider when optimizing:

  • Homepage: Your homepage is arguably one of the most important aspects of your website. It is the first page your customers see when clicking onto your site. Because of this, it is a prime spot for conversions to occur. Having an effective homepage will keep customers on your site long enough to turn into conversions.
  • Website Navigation: Making sure that your website is easy to navigate is extremely important. If your website is confusing or difficult to navigate, it will increase your bounce rate and therefore have a negative impact on your conversion rate.
  • Landing Page: Landing pages are great for CRO opportunities through the different methods of copywriting, paid advertising, and SEO techniques. These pages are designed to be interacted with, making them an excellent page to boost conversions. This can be done through interactive, optimized copy and graphics.
  • Blog Page: Having a blog page can be huge for your CRO. Through publishing valuable and relevant content targeted especially to your audience, you can use CRO to convert readers into leads. This can be done through designing an effective call to action that calls for visitors to interact with your site.

Is Conversion Rate Optimization Right for Your Business

No matter how large or small your business is, you should take CRO into consideration. With CRO, you’ll get even more out of your existing website and ensure higher website traffic. If you’re interested in adding conversion rate optimization into your business’ marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out to the digital strategists at Kraus Marketing. Contact us today to get started!

    Kraus Marketing