Using SEO as a Powerhouse for Increasing User Engagement

Using SEO as a Powerhouse for Increasing User Engagement

Using SEO as a Powerhouse for Increasing User Engagement 1280 854 Kraus Marketing

Tips to Revolutionize User Engagement with Your Content

Simply, user engagement is defined as a visitor taking action on your platform. It signifies that visitors find value in your offering. Without searchers coming to your site and taking action in some way, your placement on the SERP could drop. Search engines rank result pages with the aim to give users the best answers to the questions they are asking. The quality of your content can play a huge role in your SEO.

Understand Your Metrics

First things first, to understand how your content is performing you need to understand your metrics. Metrics will show you what content is receiving the most user engagement and what is not holding user interest. If bounce rates on a specific page are higher than others, investigate what about the content on that page is not resonating with users. Whether it is the formatting or a misleading headline, you can get to the root of the problem and make your pages more appealing.

Make a Strong First Impression

Every day is an opportunity for a potential customer to be viewing your content for the first time. With this in mind, you need to make a strong first impression that encourages users to stay on your page. The first screen your customers see should clearly explain what your product or service is and answer the question that brought users to this specific page. If a user is confused about what your business can offer, they will quickly navigate away to another site that can more easily help them. There should be a strong call to action that encourages user engagement.

Optimize On-Site Links

Users are on your site because they’re looking for something. Odds are a lot of information on your site will be relevant to a new user. Instead of cluttering a page with so much information that it becomes overwhelming, try using internal links to another page on your site. This will keep users from having to search for things themselves or feeling dissatisfied and clicking away, keeping them on the site longer.

Increase Interactive Content

To increase user engagement, you need to provide something for users to interact with. Imbedding videos, surveys, or other interactive content into your site will encourage users to click around. In addition to internal links, you can categorize pages by tagging your posts. This will then compile other pages that a user might be interested in also viewing. Adding a search bar to the site will also give you a look into what exactly users are coming to your page for.


We get that SEO can be intimidating and it’s hard to know what content will appeal to those outside of your business. At Kraus Marketing, our team includes SEO strategists, content creators, and a variety of other industry professionals who can help increase your user engagement. Contact us today for more information!

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