Web Design Company Discusses Impacts of Google Chrome SSL Update

Web Design Company Discusses Impacts of Google Chrome SSL Update

Web Design Company Discusses Impacts of Google Chrome SSL Update 1000 667 Kraus Marketing

Web Design Company Discusses Impacts of Google Chrome SSL Update

Back in August 2014, Google made its desire to influence all website owners to move from HTTP to HTTPS very clear. Historically very opaque on its proprietary search engine ranking algorithms, Google’s Webmaster Central Blog announced HTTPS as a ranking signal for SEO. Search Engine Optimization teams across the world scrambled to determine the significance of the announcement. Web Development teams were forced to come up with time/cost estimates to move from HTTP to HTTPS.

What Are All These Acronyms?

HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTTPS is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. The “Secure” in HTTPS is enabled by SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificates. HTTP and HTTPS are the standard methods by which website content is delivered to end users’ browsers. SSL is the standard for establishing an encrypted link between the browser and the web server, thereby mitigating risk of exposing sensitive information to hackers.

How Does This Affect My Website?

Google will be releasing the newest version of its Chrome web browser on or about October 17, 2017. Chrome 62 will begin marking pages as “Not secure” if they are not served through HTTPS and contain text input fields (i.e. contact forms, payment forms, newsletter signups…). With cyber security becoming even more of a mainstream concern after recent high profile breaches at Yahoo and Equifax, being marked as “Not secure” in the world’s most popular browser is equivalent to wearing a scarlet “A” in mid-17th century Puritan societies.

Chrome 62 Not Secure warning: example.comHow Do I Prevent the Not Secure Warning in Google Chrome from Showing?

If you made it this far, you could probably use some assistance with an action plan to eliminate “Not secure” warnings in Google Chrome 62. Some hosting providers may be able to assist you in adding an SSL certificate. However, keep in mind there are a lot of other things that need to be done to migrate from HTTP to HTTPS. There are also other considerations on the type of SSL certificate and the number of them you need. You will also need to change all hard-coded links to images and CSS/JS files.

Kraus Marketing is glad to help you with the migration if you are not fully comfortable doing it yourself. The last thing we want is for our clients to lose business as a result of a “Not secure” warning associated with your website on the most popular browser in the world.

Contact Us Today to Secure Your Website

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