What is Inbound Marketing and How Can I Use it

What is Inbound Marketing and How Can I Use it

What is Inbound Marketing and How Can I Use it 1280 960 Kraus Marketing

Why Inbound Marketing is so Important

It’s a known fact that people don’t like forced ads. People tend to fast forward through TV commercials, unsubscribe or ignore certain marketing emails, and click out of pop up ads on websites. All these types of marketing strategies are known as outbound marketing. Outbound marketing, also known as interruption marketing, is the promotion of a product or service that is mass marketed through advertisements, promotions, and public relations. According to Word Stream, these forms of outbound marketing perform at a much lower conversion rate than inbound marketing.

What is Inbound Marketing?

In contrast to outbound marketing, inbound marketing is a business methodology that focuses on advertising to consumers by creating specific and relevant content that would appeal to them. Inbound marketing seeks to solve a problem that the consumer is facing in order to create a seamless and helpful marketing experience for the consumer, while also developing a long-lasting relationship with a brand.

How Can I use Inbound Marketing to My Brand’s Advantage?

The goal of inbound marketing is to get to the consumer before the consumer actively seeks out brands. This all done through the early stages of a consumer developing a need for your product or service. As a result, brands should be using many forms of digital marketing, such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, and content strategies. By doing these things, consumers will be exposed to your brand and will ultimately create brand awareness, strong consumer-brand relationships, as well as increased web traffic for your site.

Why is Inbound Marketing Important?

Implementing inbound marketing strategies for your brand is important because it will make you attractive to consumers. When consumers face multiple pop-up ads or receive unwanted emails, they feel generalized and interrupted. But inbound marketing tactics allow consumers to feel wanted by giving them entertaining content that was tailored specifically for them. When consumers come across your brand through these tactics, they are more likely to stay on your website, learn more about your brand, and make purchase decisions.

Creating solid brand loyalty with your consumers is an amazing way to retain them and increase brand awareness. If you’re looking to implement any of these inbound marketing tactics into your brand’s marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out to the digital strategists at Kraus Marketing! Contact us today to get started!

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