Is a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Google AdWords Really Necessary?

Is a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Google AdWords Really Necessary?

Is a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Google AdWords Really Necessary? 960 639 Kraus Marketing

Is a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Google AdWords Really Necessary?

You’ve built your business from the ground up—you know every nook and cranny, every word of the vision and mission statements, and you have your goals clearly thought up in that entrepreneurial-savvy brain of yours. Who better to run your Google AdWords account than you—the person who knows your business best? But then again, do you really know much about Google advertising and have the time to utilize AdWords to its fullest?

For starters, you have a lot on your plate: hiring more team members, expanding your reach, and dreaming up genius new directions with 2am eureka moments. You don’t have time to properly manage all that comes with a Google AdWords campaign, including determining an appropriate budget, researching, and scheduling. Plus, with proper campaign management comes running reports that are part of the proper monitoring of a campaign, such as campaign performance, search terms, demographics, and geographic reports. But don’t worry—that’s where agencies like (like us!) come in.

Before we dive in with the top reasons for turning to an agency to help you reach your Google AdWords goals, let’s address a couple of common agency myths:

I’m Fine Without Them

Yes, you’ve gotten your business this far without an agency, so why start now? Whether you’re at the “What is Google AdWords?” stage or have been running your company’s campaigns for years, hiring an agency is worth looking into. Why settle for “fine” when you can be “fantastic”? The right agency will help you reach your goals, making your company the best it can be, all while relieving stress on your end.

I Can’t Afford an Agency

Companies are not one-size-fits-all, and neither are agencies. Agencies offer different options for different types of businesses, and the sales increase that comes from utilizing experts in the field of AdWords will make an agency well worth the investment.

Now let’s look at the top three reasons to utilize an agency in your Google AdWords campaign:

  • Smooth Transitions

Depending on one employee to handle everything about your campaign is dangerous because it leaves your campaign vulnerable to neglect or improper management during a transitional period. It also leaves your campaign susceptible to going stale. When working with an agency, you have peace of mind that come what may—employees coming and going, promotions, parental leave—your campaign is in good hands.

  • Being One Step Ahead

In the same way Disney travel agents get insider scoops on dining deals, agencies get access to beta testing. The way Google sees it, offering a beta test to an agency, rather than thirty individual businesses, is much easier. Hiring an agency to run your AdWords campaign gives you insight into exciting new features. Plus, trusting an agency with your campaign introduces you to concepts you may have never known before, such as tactics that have been successful in similar industries—and which tactics to avoid.

  • Multi-disciplined Managers

An agency has different departments and relationships, enabling it to craft your campaign from start to finish. With so many components of a Google AdWords campaign, it’s easy for one person to excel in one area and be weak in another. Luckily, an agency has employees with various strengths that work together for the success of your campaign.

Choosing a digital marketing agency, like Kraus Marketing, to run your Google AdWords campaign can open doors for your company and bring about exciting new successes. Contact us today to learn how our team of skilled SEO and PPC professionals can breathe new life into your Google advertising campaigns.

    Kraus Marketing