Your Go-To Guide on Instagram’s 2025 Grid Update
It is no secret that Instagram’s latest grid update has shaken users, content creators, and businesses this past week. If your grid is looking wonky and you need to find out how to fix it now, you have come to the right blog. We are here to give you a go-to guide on this new update, how you need to adjust your future content, and how you can optimize the new grid.

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Updated Ratio Measurements: Why?
Formerly, the IG grid was characterized by its square 1:1 ratio (1080 x 1080 pixels) but the new update has changed that ratio to 4:5 for taller and more portrait-oriented posts. When making new posts it’s going to be important to adjust to the new size as quickly as possible to slowly reformat your grid to look cohesive again. Here are the measurements for your new post.
- New Portrait-Oriented Ratio: 1080 x 1350 pixels (4:5 ratio)
But why did Instagram make these changes in the first place? The overall purpose of this size change was to better match grid images with the sizes of IG Reels and Stories which are 1080 Pixels x 1920 pixels. This makes for a smoother transition from your three main tabs (Posts, Reels, and Tags).
Out with the Old, and In with the New
As mentioned, one of the reasons for the grid change was to get rid of the outdated square view and move into a new era of Instagram that leverages multimedia content. But how else can we use the new 4:5 ratio to our advantage?
More Engagement: The taller posts take up more space on the screen which will allow your visitors to consume and engage your content more than ever.
New Storytelling: More height means more space to tell your brand story! Get creative, and test different ways you can use that space to your advantage.
Be Relevant: If you have been looking for an opportunity to revamp your IG now is your chance! Users can now start making these size changes to future content to stay ahead of the curve.
Capturing relevant information about customers, fans, followers, and friends enable us to create more personalized interactions.
Start Making These Changes Today with Kraus Marketing
Kraus Marketing is an award-winning agency that has been mastering and creating innovative content with Instagram from day one. If these new changes have you feeling stuck and overwhelmed, it’s time to get some help from our expert social media team here in NJ, NYC, and FL. Contact us today!