Holiday Marketing Strategies During a Pandemic

Holiday Marketing Strategies During a Pandemic

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Adjusting Your Holiday Marketing Strategies During a Pandemic

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for both marketer and consumers alike. The holiday season is one of the most prosperous times of the year, in fact, the 2019 holiday season brought in over 1 trillion dollars in retail sales. But with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many marketers are forced to adjust their typical holiday marketing strategies to prepare for a holiday season that is going to look quite different this year.

How Brands Should Modify Their Marketing Strategies This Holiday Season

Value Customer Loyalty

During these uncertain times, it’s important to value your existing customers. Although its ideal that you would reach new customers, due to the Pandemic, it could be of value to you to focus on customers that already rely on your brand. According to Adobe, only one out of five shoppers stated that they’re likely to purchase from a new brand this holiday season. Making now, more than ever, important to value your customers. Ways to add value to existing customers includes: revamping existing loyalty programs, offering exclusive discounts, or early access to special offers.

Appeal to Customer Needs

Holiday shopping during a pandemic can be stress inducing, making it important to appeal to your customers health and safety concerns. Keeping an open dialogue with your customers about safety precautions is an excellent way to reassure them that you value their safety while shopping with you. If you don’t already offer a curbside pick-up option, for example, now is the time to add one.

Provide Your Customer with a Seamless Digital Experience

With most stores operating under their capacity limit, many people will be forced to conduct their holiday shopping entirely online. Therefore, it’s imperative that your website is up to date with the best software and design layout, and that it provides ample information to your customers. Making sure your website is easy to navigate, providing chatbots, optimizing your pages for voice search, and being mobile friendly are excellent ways to create a seamless digital experience.

Ramp Up Your Online Presence

Media consumption during the Pandemic has skyrocketed. Marketers should be taking advantage of this opportunity by being active on their social media channels. Creating engaging content on your social media can increase web traffic as well as boost potential sales. Make sure to monitor your social analytics to see what types of post work and what doesn’t seem to garner much traction.

Although this holiday season will look a little different from past years, remember to value your customers- especially during these uncertain times. If you’re looking for ways to adjust your brand’s holiday marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out to the digital strategists at Kraus Marketing. We’ve been adjusting nonstop to meet the needs of our clients in 2020 and beyond. Contact us today to get started!

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