Breaking Down Atomic eCommerce Design Systems

Breaking Down Atomic eCommerce Design Systems

Breaking Down Atomic eCommerce Design Systems 1280 960 Kraus Marketing

The Science Behind eCommerce Design Systems

An eCommerce Design System is a set of guidelines and standards used to manage the design of an eCommerce website. These are extremely important because designers and developers can use these guidelines to ensure that a site is consistent and easy to navigate for users.

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Atomic Design Systems

Atomic design is a methodology inspired by chemistry for creating design systems. It was created in 2013 by Brad Frost, a web designer, and developer. The idea is to break down UI components into smaller, reusable pieces. This approach can benefit eCommerce projects, where there are typically many different page types and templates.

The methodology is based on the idea of atoms, which are the smallest units of an element. In Atomic Design, these atoms are combined to create molecules, then combined to create organisms. Finally, these organisms are combined to create templates and pages.

The Five Steps of Atomic Design Systems

  • Atoms: These are the basic building blocks of your design, such as color, typography, and form elements.
  • Molecules: These are groups of atoms that function together as a unit. For example, a molecule could be a form element with a label and an input.
  • Organisms: These are groups of molecules that function together to form a complete section of a page. This could be a header that includes a logo, navigation, and search bar.
  • Templates: These are an outline of pages that are built using the organisms.
  • Pages: These are the final pages that are created using the templates.

Atomic Design is a practical methodology because it helps create design systems that are modular and scalable. By breaking down the elements into atoms, molecules, and organisms, it is easier to see how they all fit together and how they can be reused in different ways. This makes it easier to create consistent and reusable designs.

Capturing relevant information about customers, fans, followers, and friends enable us to create more personalized interactions.

Choose Kraus Marketing to Design Your eCommerce Website

At Kraus Marketing, we have extensive experience designing and developing eCommerce websites. We know what it takes to create a successful online store and user experience—and are here to guide you every step of the way. Contact our UX design experts if you’re considering using atomic design for your next eCommerce project. We will create a user-friendly, visually appealing website to impress your customers, old and new.

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