Are Podcasts the Next Big Thing for Your Marketing Strategy?

Are Podcasts the Next Big Thing for Your Marketing Strategy?

Are Podcasts the Next Big Thing for Your Marketing Strategy? 1280 850 Kraus Marketing

What Podcasts Can Actually Add to Your Marketing Strategy

While podcasts may seem like the radio’s wannabe younger sibling, they actually have a lot to offer- even for your business. They’re becoming increasingly popular, offering mobile audio entertainment to people on the go or those looking to absorb more content in general. Here’s how you can utilize podcasts to boost your marketing campaign and increase traffic to your website.

Share your story

In our digital society, we seem to become more and more comfortable with interacting online. Because of this, some of us can’t help but feeling like the interactions we have are becoming impersonal. Podcasts help to mediate this feeling with the old-fashioned power of voice. Podcasts can help remind your consumer that you are a business comprised of real people ready to help fulfill their needs. Often times people need that extra little personal touch to be swayed. Starting a podcast for your business gives you an opportunity to share your story with your consumers as well as build a strong relationship with them through a more interactive media.

Make it worth their while

If your business sells a specific product or service, podcasts are also a great way to explain how they work to consumers who may be confused. Much like maintaining a blog, podcasts allow you to share relevant, educational information with consumers and potential clients in a whole new way. Consider using your podcasts to release tidbits of exclusive information about special deals or events before they occur to help build hype. They’re also a great way to engage those who may not like reading articles as much. Combined with a well-maintained blog, having a podcast gives you that extra edge for content creation and sharing.

Link it to your website

In order for your business to thrive, you need to be easily accessible to your consumers. It’s all too easy to lose a client who was interested in your business simply because it was too difficult to reach you. Podcasts allow you to hit the audio market at full force while still giving you the opportunity to link it to other social media platforms or your website. Maybe a potential client first heard of you via your podcast on their drive to work. As they are driving, they don’t have the opportunity to stop and look into your business at that moment. But, because you linked your podcast to your website, they can reference it later. Generating more podcast listeners also helps increase traffic and awareness to your website and business.

Is your website or blog not getting the traffic it deserves? Worry not. Our suite of experienced web developers, graphic designers, digital strategists, and SEO experts here at Kraus Marketing are ready to help you devise the most effective digital marketing campaign that will increase engagement and ROI. Contact us today for more information!

    Kraus Marketing