Ecommerce Photography: Shoot Product Pictures Like A Pro

Ecommerce Photography: Shoot Product Pictures Like A Pro

Ecommerce Photography: Shoot Product Pictures Like A Pro 1280 853 Kraus Marketing

How Ecommerce Photography Can Improve Your Business’ Conversion

When you’re selling products online, the quality of the photos can be the difference between a sale and a lost customer. In fact, 93% of consumers consider the appearance of the product to be a key deciding factor in their buying process.

In a world where ecommerce is reshaping the way people shop, ecommerce photography is as important as ever. Improving your ecommerce photography is a multifaceted approach and has many different options regarding equipment and style. Whichever way you decide to approach it, your products should look as professional as possible. When someone is shopping online they only have visuals to base their judgement.

Here are some tips to better your ecommerce photography and rank your visuals amongst the pros:

  • Selecting the Right Camera: Purchasing a high-quality camera doesn’t have to break your budget. There are dozens of affordable, professional cameras that will instantly enhance your visual presence. Most of the time, you’ll even be able to use your smartphone. Many recent smartphones possess high quality cameras. As long as you are producing image sizes of at least 800 x 800 pixels, your pictures should render well online.
  • Choose the Right Background: A white background is best suited for ecommerce photography. The clean background will not interfere with any of the features of the product. A good trick to remember is to create a curved background bottom, such as the base of a table. This helps avoid any unwanted light reflections. You can purchase a white sweep, or if you have a small budget, buy a large piece of white construction paper and suspend it in a way where it works for you. Taking time to play around with your background visuals will greatly enhance your photo’s outcome.
  • Making Sure You Have Optimal Lighting: Lighting can either make or break your photographs, so make sure you pay attention. Poor lighting can cast shadows, making the product’s color or shape appear distorted. Try working with natural light by placing your products near an off-camera window. But stay away from direct sunlight when you can. Contrary to what you might think, harsh light will cause unwanted dark shadows in areas of the picture. If you decide to use studio lights, two soft-box set ups should be effective, with one as your key light and one as your backlight.
  • Focus: This is where a tripod really comes in handy. A blurry picture is a sure-fire way to turn away customers, so it is imperative that your photos are as focused as possible. If you can provide focused photos at identical angles, then your photos can go from looking amateur to looking like a professional catalog.
  • Retouching: Retouching can help make your photos appear crisp and professional. Removing the tiniest of blemishes, such as lint or dust flecks, can do wonders for your photograph. This can be done yourself using various photo editing software. Many online platforms even offer retouching features for free.

With these tips, you can produce powerful and enticing ecommerce photography, without the cost of a professional. Kraus Marketing will help take your ecommerce website to new heights. Contact our experts today.

    Kraus Marketing