Google confirms anticipated switch from desktop search to mobile search.
In 2014, we heard statements from Google employees predicting that mobile searches would overtake desktop search within a year or so. This was mainly due to the fact that everyone and their mother (literally) have a smart phone. Studies show that 3 out of 4 people who live in metro areas have a smartphone. Here at Kraus Marketing, we also know that smartphone users (80%) are searching for items on their smartphone before they make a purchase. This week, Google has confirmed that mobile search has finally surpassed desktop searches.
Google stated that:
“more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan.”
This is the only news that Google has provided. We don’t know what the other countries were that made the list, when this change occurred or what the volumes of search queries are now in regards to desktop and mobile.
What Google has told us is that when regarding mobile queries, all searches are mobile browser-based and mobile search apps. Google hasn’t broken down the exact numbers for each yet.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Google is only counting mobile searches as smartphones. Tablets and iPads are being grouped with desktop and laptops, not mobile.
Major findings show that in the last quarter of 2014 (Q4 2014), across the entire industry, mobile queries, which includes tablets, made up about 29% of the total search volume (Source: comScore). This means that the growth of mobile search is progressing at rates much faster than expected.
The data that Google is releasing in regards to this change is causing a direct effect on the Google Adwords and Display Network platforms. A quick overview shows us that Adwords is now promoting new ad formats for these ads, automation tools in both the display and search ads are being updated along with new measurement capabilities. Adwords is now placing more emphasis on visits to brick and mortar stores and allowing users to measure reach offline. You can read a more advanced breakdown of the changes in Adwords found here.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone featuring that for the first time ever, the latest Google algorithm was both announced (given a date) and explained what the update consisted of. If you aren’t sure what update we are talking about, click here to read about the Google Mobile Algorithm Change.
If your website is not mobile responsive, you may be noticing a drop in your organic search rankings. This is due to the new Mobile Algorithm Change. Here at Kraus Marketing, we are a leader in mobile responsive websites and other best practices in regards to organic search engine optimization. We can help you get better rankings on the search engine results page (SERP) and create a viable strategy for your needs.
To learn more about how Kraus Marketing can help you, please visit our website at or call us at (973) 998-5742.