Dynamically Dynamite Adwords Addition

Dynamically Dynamite Adwords Addition

Dynamically Dynamite Adwords Addition 1697 1131 Kraus Marketing

Google has been introducing a number of dynamic additions to Adwords that will help your campaign thrive.

Google has recently announced a few new changes to Adwords that will help your advertising campaign thrive. In addition to these changes, Google has been introducing a number of dynamic features to Adwords since 2013. These dynamic search ads generate appropriate headline and landing pages for your customers. Google will take the information it needs from your website and target it to an audience based on that information. The dynamic Adwords method is good for businesses and brands with a big inventory of landing pages and for those whose product mix is constantly changing. The dynamic features are dynamic keyword insertion, dynamic location insertion, dynamic remarketing and dynamic search campaigns.

Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Most advertisers are familiar with the One-Per keyword rule. You choose one keyword and create an entire ad around it. This is a great rule because it gives the customer a maximally personalized ad based on their search, but it isn’t easy to do. Dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) allows the customer’s search word be added into your ad. Your ad can be tailored very specifically to your customers. The product your selling can become anything depending on what they search. They search “retro laundromat.” You have “Retro Laundromat in Queens!” They search “clean laundromat.” You have “Clean Laundromat in Queens!”

There are some things that you have to keep in mind when using DKI. Don’t use competitor’s keywords or names in your ad text. Remember to edit your ad and proofread it thoroughly. Limit the amount of keywords DKI uses to avoid the possibility of getting keywords that don’t work with your ad.

Dynamic Location Insertion

Marketing is all about reaching your brand’s target audience. Adwords’ dynamic location insertion will help customize your ad to your target audience. This is similar to DKI in the way of customizing, updating and tailoring searches for your ad to fit the target audience. The difference is that dynamic location insertion is easier to control and has the ability to customize the title, URL and description of your ad based on the location of the customer.

If your business is based in New York City, the ad for a customer searching in Times Square may say something more specific and local than to a customer searching in Dallas. The Times Square customer’s ad may say, “Big sale this Tuesday in store!” The Dallas customer’s ad may read, “Big sale this week online!”

DKI also allows you the ability to have different ad offerings depending on the time, day, week or even month.

Dynamic Remarketing

Isn’t it almost slightly scary when you see an ad for the Whirlpool dishwasher you were searching for last week pop up in a sidebar ad on your favorite food blog? Well, dynamic remarketing is about to make those types of ads happen even more often. This feature tracks down what users view on your site and will then create a custom ad based on behavior. Even though those random ads may seem like Big Brother is watching you, it is an excellent tool for remarketing.

Dynamic Search Campaigns

No longer can you only tell Google what you need, but now Google can point it out to you. In dynamic search campaigns, Google tells you what it thinks your website offers and what is relevant. This tool will help you improve your Quality Score for traditional campaigns, which will likely lead to improved performance. It can also help point out broad match terms or new keywords you have. All of this is kept track of in a Search Terms Report, so you can always analyze your performance.


The dynamic Adwords features will become dynamite tools for you to use in your ad campaigns. It will make it easier for you to reach a target audience and to have multiple variations of an ad without having to do half the work. It will also help remind your audience of your brand, even after they leave your page. Plus, you can keep track of what works and what doesn’t. This will be another tool to help build your brand’s online presence with ease.

Want to work with an award-winning marketing company to create advertisements for your brand? Kraus Marketing is a Branding and Social Media marketing company servicing businesses in the NJ & NYC area. To inquire about our services, call us at (973) 990-5742 or contact us at www.KrausMarketing.com.

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