The Sharkbite Method

The Sharkbite Method ™ is a book written and designed by the team at Kraus Marketing. The book dives into an integrated digital marketing strategy built on leveling up emerging mid-market and large enterprise companies in all industries through easy to understand tactics. Kraus Marketing has been developing this killer digital marketing strategy for more than a decade to help businesses build brand value, shorten sales cycles, and drive leads to create revenue.

Client Challenge

Being a new project, the Kraus team had to create each element from scratch—from the copy of the book itself and the development of a cohesive brand (for both print and online) to paid advertising and collateral creation pre- and post-launch.

The Kraus Solution

Custom Branding

Branding concepts for The Sharkbite Method ™ took into account the content of the book, the target audience, and elements from the existing Kraus Marketing brand.

Landing Page Development

Before we could begin any advertising or digital marketing efforts, we needed to develop a custom landing page where users would be directed to learn more about the book. The design was based on the final branding.

Pre-Launch: Social Media & Email Marketing

We were then ready to begin our integrated digital marketing campaign including paid and organic social media efforts, email marketing, and PPC. The goal was to generate hype leading up to the official book launch.

Post-Launch: Digital Advertising & PR

Once the book was officially launched, we then ran a paid advertising campaign through Amazon Ads alongside Kraus Marketing’s social media and PPC campaign. We also put together curated PR boxes with branded collateral such as notepads, bookmarks, business cards, and more to help generate hype.

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