Your Digital Marketing Professional Speaker for Companies in All Industries

Transformative Talks with Nick Kraus

Key Topics Covered

Nick specializes in a wide array of digital marketing disciplines. His key areas of expertise include SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and more. He provides valuable insights into leveraging these tools effectively to boost online presence, attract and retain customers, and ultimately drive business growth.

Speaking Topics

Harness AI and Digital Marketing to Generate Leads and Build Your Brand
(75 minutes):

Growing a business requires a brand that customers trust. And prospective leads that turn into real dollars. Utilizing AI and an effective digital marketing strategy creates an efficient way to build your business and retain your clients.

Marketing Trends and Tactics
(75 minutes):

Learn the latest trends and tactics that will set you apart from your competition.

The Art of Transcending Your Brand Beyond Its Founder
(75-90 minutes):

Often, brands have difficulty establishing trust with their clients during the initial startup phase of their business. This presentation addresses how leaders should navigate their organizational growth and transcend the need for founder involvement on the employee level.

Managing Different Personality Types
(60-90 minutes):

Learn how to utilize DISC and transformational leadership to galvanize and build your team.

See What Others Are Saying

“Nick spoke at my organization a year ago, sparking my immediate interest in enhancing my digital marketing strategy for my brand. His insightful talk offered practical strategies that I’ve since implemented. The most rewarding part is the significant increase in traffic to my site, leads, and sales.”
– Mohit Jain, Founder/CEO of Math Genie

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for Expert Insights &
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    Kraus Marketing