Kraus Marketing’s Monster Mashup

Kraus Marketing’s Monster Mashup

Kraus Marketing’s Monster Mashup 838 336 Kraus Marketing

You’re invited to our Marketing Monster Mashup at Kraus Marketing.

Halloween is tomorrow and we here at Kraus Marketing could not be more excited. After all, Halloween can teach everyone a thing or two about marketing. To get in the Halloween spirit, we decided to craft a special edition of our Marketing Mashup.

Welcome to the Kraus Marketing Monster Mash.

We have the decorations, the creepy costumes and the freaky food. All that’s left is our spooky party guests. If you’ve been following the headlines this past week, you’ll notice that there have many stirrings in the marketing industry. What better way to celebrate All Hallows Eve by having these new innovations as the guests of honor at our Monster Mash. Trust us, it’s going to be a graveyard smash!

Darth Vader

Our first guest at our Monster Mash is the legendary Sith Lord from the Star Wars franchise. Are you afraid of the Dark Side of the Force? You should be because this villain helped exterminate the Jedi Order and strike fear into the hearts of millions has he helped the Empire take control of the Universe.

He’s invited to our Monster Mash because he has been making headlines recently. The trailer to the new Star Wars movie was released last week and fans could not be more excited. Hype began when a scene from Star Wars was featured in an article about Facebook began supporting 360-videos.

Finally, the Sith Lord made an appearance in Ukraine when someone replaced a statue of Lenin with a monument to the wicked Dark Side-user. Is it a coincidence or a marketing tactic? You decide.

For more information about marketing lessons from Star Wars, read our blog about the subject.

Dr. Emmett Brown

Honestly, it isn’t a true monster mash unless a mad scientist makes an appearance. We extended an invite to Dr. Frankenstein, but he couldn’t make it…something about promoting a new movie.

Luckily, Dr. Emmett “Doc” Brown from the Back to the Future series was available and was more than happy to stop by. Recently, last week was Back to the Future day. What made this year so special was that it was the actual year that was featured in the Back to the Future II. Honestly, the actual future was lackluster compared to what was predicted in the future. But we can forgive the Doc.

Read more about what Back to the Future II got correct in our blog post.


Yes, we decided to invite spirits from beyond to our monster mash. We thought about extending an invite to Casper, but we felt that there was another spooky entity that would fit in better: Chipotle’s BOOrito.

Chipotle is just as into Halloween as we are, and they know how to please their audience. Customers can buy discounted burritos this Halloween if they show up in costume. This year, however, there is a bit of twist. Your costume needs to have an “unnecessary” element. For example, if you were to dress up as a Pirate, an unnecessary element could be a cowboy or a pink tutu. It’s really up to you…be clever.

The whole objective of this promotion is to drive traffic to their locations. If the success of this year is anything like last year, Chipotle is definitely doing something right.


Technology is supposed to help us and make our lives easier. To be honest, there is nothing more terrifying when technology turns against humans. If you need some convincing, then we highly suggest you watch the Terminator series.

Sadly, T1000 couldn’t make it to our monster mash…he won’t be created for a few more years.

There is a new robot in town though: Google’s RankBrain.

Google is adding a new layer to their search algorithm by utilizing artificial intelligence to decipher the intent of search queries. RankBrain is slowly learning from humans based on semantics and previous search queries.

Let’s just hope RankBrain integrates with SkyNet…it might doom the human race.

Stay tuned for a future article further explaining RankBrain.

Talk about a great invite list, right? Freddy and Jason were too scared to come, but these guests will make our monster mash one Hell of a Time! Stay tuned for our next edition of our marketing mash.


For more information, contact us at 973-998-5742 or visit us online at


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